A carefully selected blend of natural plant and mineral ingredients, traditionally known for use in supporting the removal of pus or other foreign objects, immune system support.
Natural Pet Botanicals Recommendations formulas are both effective and gentle in supporting the whole body, you support your own animal or pet at home, and in almost every single case we improve vitality and longevity. If you are dealing with any metabolic or immune issue with your pet, we suggest that you contact us for a consultation so we can ensure you are using the right products.
* Natural pet botanicals are not intended to replace veterinary care or medication. Our formulas are offered as an alternative health support for your animal's condition and not as a cure. All our oral supplements are to be consumed voluntarily by your animal in food, treats or liquid.
Stress Spraying
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Short Description: Inside the home. A stress response, telling us they are not relaxed/secure.
Stress Spraying formula
Thorn-apple (Stramonium 200C)
St. Ignatius Bean (Ignatia 30C)
Chestnut Bud flower (Aesculus Hippocastanum)
Reference: https://www.flowerguide.com.au/chestnut-bud-remedy
Reference: https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/ignatia
Reference: https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/stramonium*Magnesium & Potassium - minerals
People And Animals With “Magnesium Deficiency” Often Seem Agitated Or ‘Uptight’.
e.g Dsage when using Mag & Potass 17-2 powder
Felines, toy dogs, rabbits: a good sprinkle over meals e.g approx. ¼ teaspoon of powder.
Birds: stir in 3 drops or little sprinkle over seeds add to water dish every time you change it.
Small dog or animal: 7 drops or 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium & potassium powder.
Med to large Canines: add 1/2 teaspoon of magnesium & potassium powder
Referenece: https://www.healthline.com/health/magnesium-anxiety#_noHeaderPrefixedContentAlso recommeding adding (B complex) like Bee Pollen grains protects from stress - add into daily meals on-going.
Further Health InformationThe natural, plant- based Territorial Spraying formula is often useful when the animal feels threatened (and this can trigger aggression as well) e.g by someone new entering into their environment .. another cat/dog, or human baby, human partner, etc
Using one or other of these two, plus the natural, plant- based Pet Kalm formula can really make a positive difference as a background remedy for calming.The natural, plant- based Stress Spraying formula is more for unwelcome reactions (i.e urinating!) as a result of the animal feeling stressed, or unable to escape from a situation.
if you have a male cat, whom is locked inside continuously which is causing acute stress. The natural, plant- based Territorial Spray formula is useful when the animal feels threatened (and this can trigger aggression as well) For example ... by someone new entering into their environment (e.g another cat/dog, or human baby, human partner, etc).But there is a bit of a crossover between the two formulas.
Quite of few of our clients have found that using one or other of these two, plus the natural, plant- based formula Pet Kalm 4 formula can really make a positive difference. As a background remedy for calming.Cat are sensitive as well as territorial to their surroundings and environment.
They also react to meeting or seeing a new cat in their territory, this may provoke stress and fear. Domineering cats or sensitive, timid by nature cats will most often need this support. The Stress Spraying formula is more for unwelcome reactions (i.e urinating!) as a result of the animal feeling stressed, or unable to escape from a situation. Or a male cat locked inside continuously which is causing acute stress.
Stressful times in their home environment?
Stressful times for family effect family members - including pets.
1. We often hear a timid cat may have been scared or chased from another cat, whether the other cat is a stray or owned. This can cause stress wit in your cat, enough to start spraying or marking inside the house. Do not punish them; they are just letting you know they are scared-unhappy or extremely frightened.2 Animals also grieve the same as humans and not just from the loss of their own species, but from any loss of another species can still be a huge loss and impact for both human and animals. Canines who pin when left at kennels, also suffer. If your pet is already sterile, if (not sterile) the best thing to do is sterilize male cats no earlier than 12 months age. Females can be done sooner at approx. 6 months old, no later, as a cat can fall pregnant early.
3 If you need to keep your cat safe from a busy road, get them a cat enclosure outside so they can get fresh air, climb trees and look at nature.
It’s very important to allow your cat outside once a day, if your cat continues to meow at you, sits at door or window continually, restlessness, acts out with aggression through frustration. We do often hear how frustrated a young male cat or kitten becomes if locked inside all day and all night, this is when their emotional and physical wellbeing becomes out of balance. We then see negative behavior appear. To knocking off items from shelves to tables, to also becoming aggressive behavior and play.New smells (renovations, relocations) or another cat or kitten comes to live in their space, could have started this behavior. But this is a natural instinct in some cats, so punishing or scolding is not the answer. What you may cause is further fear in their environment. If he's not a breeding cat, have him or her desexed before the habit gets obsessive.
Since the "purpose" of spraying is to mark an area with urine odor, it is not surprising that as the odor is cleaned up, the cat wants to refresh the area with more urine. Cleaning alone does little to reduce spraying. Cats that mark in one or two particular areas may cease if the function of the area is changed. If he or she has specific areas for spraying, place small saucers of food in these locations or a cushion or cat bed. Some cats are less likely to spray if a little of their cheek gland scent can be placed in the sprayed area.
This may change the area to one of cheek gland marking and since the odor remains and the desire to spray may be greatly reduced. Clean the areas with alcohol, not bleach first to remove the urine smell
If you have a problem with cat spraying, it's time for more than just another round of furniture cleaning. You need a solution—fast. Not only do you need to know how to remove cat spray, but also what caused your cat to start spraying in the first place, so you can help stop the bad habit.
When your cat sprays, he's telling you he's stressed or fearful, and that can cause significant stress for you and your household. Thankfully, you can help reduce feline spraying if you understand why it's happening. For best results, it's important to make a proper determination between ordinary urine spraying and behavioral urine spraying.
The Signs of Ordinary Cat Urine Spraying.
Cat spraying doesn't always mean your cat is mad at you. However, if you have a male cat and dont him outside, then maybe yes, he is expressing stress!Other issues maybe...
If your cat is squatting and urinating on a horizontal surface, there are several possible reasons for this behavior.
Your cat may feel uncomfortable because you're not adequately cleaning the litter box.
Or your cat may simply not like the type of litter or litter box you use. Try different types of litter and litter box sizes to see if any of those make a difference. It's also possible the litter box is located in an area where there's too much noise or foot traffic. Try moving the box to a more isolated area in the home.Is accessibility to the litter box an issue?
Make sure your cat has easy access to the litter box. If your cat has hip issues, maybe she doesn't want to step over a large entrance to get inside the box. Or maybe another pet blocks her access. If all other potential causes have been ruled out, check with your veterinarian to see if there is a health-related issue. Barring any of these reasons, stress could be a culprit, just like it is for vertical spraying.The Signs of Behavioral Cat Spraying
If your cat directs urine onto a vertical surface (marking), his spraying is likely caused by stress or nervousness.
Male cats spray most often—particularly adult, unneutered males. But that doesn't mean they're the only ones that spray. Any cat, male or female, can spray.
Stress-triggers that can lead to spraying include a recent move, new furniture in your home, keeping a young male teenage locked in house 24/7, loud noises, or a new pet or family member joining your household.
Even a neighbours cat wandering around outside might be enough to cause your cat to feel defensive and start spraying. In general, anything that causes your cat to feel insecure could lead to inappropriate spraying.How to Clean Cat Spray
Before you can stop spraying, you have to clean up any urine—and clean it well.2 Traces of previous spraying can trigger your cat's desire to re-mark an area, making it cyclical. In addition to standard household cleaning products or urine-removal products, many pet parents find vinegar-water mixtures, followed by baking soda, to be effective at removing odor. Be sure not to use a cleaner with ammonia, which is actually a component of cat urine and can trigger further marking incidents.Natural Urine Cleaner
- 1/2 cup of white vinegar
- 1 1/2 cups of warm water
- Spray bottle
- Sponge
- Towel
Remove Odors, naturally with Baking Soda and a Cleaner
- White vinegar
- Baking soda
- Sponge
- Water
- Towel
How to Locate Urine Stains
While the most obvious way to find cat pee is to sniff it out or accidentally step in it, this doesn’t always work if the stains are old and dry. The best way to locate dried pet stains is to use a UV black light flashlight as a urine detector.Close the blinds or curtains and turn off the lights. Switch on the flashlight and sweep it around the room slowly. Cat urine shows up as glowing spots, and if you see some, place a marker on the area so that you know exactly where to use a cat pee stains cleaner odour (natural homemade one).
Preparing a Cat Urine Stain for Cleaning
If you’re lucky enough to catch your cat in the act and the stain is fresh, it’s essential to clean up before using a cleaning solution. Doing this makes the job of carpet cleaning easier.How to Reduce Cat Spraying
You can take several steps to help reduce the triggers that lead to your cat's stress-related spraying.Let your cat outside once a day, if your cat continues to meow at you, sits at door or window continually, restlessness, acts out with aggression through frustration.1. Magnesium (mineral) and suggested OHO
We highly suggest Magnesium Glycinate powder or Magnesium liquid (ReMag Magnesium solution). Add a pinch or several drops bowl of goats milk etc - daily. Double the amount of larger pets.2 B Complex (stress)
Add natural B complex (for reducing stress). Using a natural B complex "Bee Pollen granules" in meals, which is a natural form of B complex. Adding a pinch (several grains) for toy dog, cat or small pet similar size. Or for small to med pets, 1 teaspoon, or larger pets add 1 tablespoon in daily meals - daily.
3 Ttouch therapy
It is easy to do and pet owner to do this for their pets or farm animal at home or property. Use for all species.
Linda Tellington-Jones developed a technique that works wonderfully for modifying negative behaviors, taming wild or unsocialized animals gently, increasing trust and reducing aggressiveness, and for accelerated healing. The technique is named after its inventor the Tellington TTouch. It is derived from the human technique of Feldenkrais. This is a method that opens new neurological pathways to the brain by use of no habitual movements. The concept is based on the life-force intelligence of each cell of the body, each cell's connection with whole organism animal or human, and between. "At a cellular level", says Linda Tellington-Jones, "we're all the same". The TTouch stimulates cell intelligence, and "so turns on the corresponding brain cells like so many light bulbs."
Use of the Ttouch to stimulate the body cells and corresponding brain cells activates the brain and changes old habits and patterns. By asking and allowing the animal to think, and by an attitude of conscious respect and cooperation with her, the cellular intelligence becomes two-way communication.
The result is behavior and personality changes permanently, along with the increased speed of healing for wounds, injuries or stiffness.
"Ttouches" are single clockwise circles with the thumb anchored and the fingers resting on the animal start at 6 o'clock ( the bottom of the circle ) and push the skin around in a circle and a quarter then pauses and release.
When the touch is done properly (circles closed) it generates all four brainwave patterns in the animals receiving it, alpha, beta, theta, and delta.
e.g. Normal daily activity uses the beta pattern, alpha is equivalent to human concentration or meditation, theta is a deep trance, and delta is the Level below consciousness usually associated with sleep. Using the touch to stimulate the body cells and corresponding brain cells activates the brain and change old habits and patterns. e.g It enables the animal to think through rather than automatically reacting by instinct.
Only need 5 minutes a day or a few times a week until positive changes seen.
See if you can watch some YouTubes on "Ttouch - Linda Tellington (USA) is the founder of this method. It works so well. There are practitioners that can help you also if you google about people in your area etc OR its easy to learn yourself.
Bladda Clear (blockages) (15)
Cystito Clear (bloody tinge uring.. eg. dark looking urine) (14)
Both are often use when the pet is not producing much urine each time or frequently going during the day. Inflammation, crystal and blockages)
Need more advice or have more questions? Contact us for a FREE consultation with one of our fully qualified practitioners.FDA DISCLAIMER
The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from your health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act require this notice.